Advising for Engineering & Computing

Whether you’re exploring majors, planning your academic journey, or seeking guidance on class schedules, our dedicated advisors are here to support your success.

Curriculum Sheets & Program Maps


IT Building Suite 1208
1100 I.T. Dr.
Statesboro, GA 30458

Find Your Advisor

Our searchable table makes it simple to connect with the right academic advisor for your needs. The table includes the advisor’s name and the college they serve. When you click on an advisor’s name, you’ll be taken to their profile, where you can find additional details, such as their title, the specific students they advise, their email address, and phone number. Use the search bar to easily filter results by name, college, or keyword, ensuring you can quickly locate the advisor who can best support you.

no_photo_headshot_eagleheadEmily Cowart-BrownCollege of Educationecowartbrown@georgiasouthern.eduSecondary EducationAcademic Advisor
no_photo_headshot_eagleheadKendra DensonCollege of Educationkdenson@georgiasouthern.eduElementary Education (Last names U-Z), Dual Certification (Last names U-Z), Health and Physical Education, Middle Grades Education, Special EducationAcademic Advisor
no_photo_headshot_eagleheadTonya HogueCollege of Educationthogue@georgiasouthern.eduElementary Education (Last Names J-T) & Dual Certification (Last names J-T)Academic Advisor
no_photo_headshot_eagleheadEarnestine BurnsCollege of Educationeburns@georgiasouthern.eduElementary Education (Last names A-I), Dual Certification (Last names A-I), Exploratory EducationAcademic Advisor
no_photo_headshot_eagleheadMonica BristerCollege of Public Health912-478-2674jphcoph-gradadvisor@georgiasouthern.eduAll Graduate Majors on Statesboro Campus for the College of Public Health. Advisement is by appointment only.Academic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Elizabeth-MundhenkeElizabeth MundhenkeCollege of Public Health912-478-2675jphcoph-ugradadvisor@georgiasouthern.eduAll Undergraduate Majors on Statesboro Campus for the College of Public Health.Academic Advisor
no_photo_headshot_eagleheadLan-Anh VoCollege of Health Professions912-478-1931lvo@georgiasouthern.eduExercise Science Majors: Last Names Cas-D, Nursing Majors: Last Names Cas-D, Health Sciences-Radiologic Sciences Majors: Last Names N-ZAcademic Advisor
no_photo_headshot_eagleheadAudrie VarnerCollege of Health Professions912-478-1931avarner@georgiasouthern.eduExercise Science Majors: Last Names E-Har, Nursing Majors: Last Names E-HarAcademic Advisor
no_photo_headshot_eagleheadEdith HinkleCollege of Health Professions912-478-1931esantana@georgiasouthern.eduExercise Science Majors: Last Names A-B, Ng-Nz, Nursing Majors: Last Names A-B, Ng-Nz, Health Sciences-Radiologic Sciences Majors: Last Names A-FAcademic Advisor
no_photo_headshot_eagleheadGabrielle PierreCollege of Health Professions912-478-1931gpierre@georgiasouthern.eduCommunication Sciences and Disorders Majors: All last names, Sport Management Majors: Last Names F-J, R-ZAcademic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Elizabeth-MundhenkeElizabeth MundhenkeCollege of Health Professions912-478-1931emundhenke@georgiasouthern.eduHealth Science-General/Fully online: All last namesAcademic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Rachelle-LittleRachelle LittleCollege of Health Professions912-478-1931rlittle@georgiasouthern.eduExercise Science Majors: Last Names L-M, Nursing Majors: Last Names L-MAcademic Advisor
no_photo_headshot_eagleheadBridget JohnsonCollege of Health Professions912-478-1931bridgetjohnson@georgiasouthern.eduExercise Science Majors: Last Names Hi-K, Has-He, Nursing Majors: Last Names Hi-K, Has-He, Health Sciences-Radiologic Sciences Majors: Last Names G-MAcademic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Jackson-HopkinsJackson HopkinsCollege of Health Professions912-478-1931jkhopkins@georgiasouthern.eduExercise Science Majors: Last Names O-R, Ca-Car, Nursing Majors: Last Names O-R, Ca-Car, Sport Management Majors: Last Names A-E, Health Sciences-Respiratory Therapy Majors: All Last NamesAcademic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-britany-gibsonBritany GibsonCollege of Health Professions912-478-1931bgibson@georgiasouthern.eduExercise Science Majors: Last Names S-Th, Nursing Majors: Last Names S-Th, Rehabilitation Sciences: All last names, Sport Management Majors: Last Names Pi-OAcademic Advisor
no_photo_headshot_eagleheadMichael "Jake" BentleyCollege of Health Professions912-478-1931mbentley@georgiasouthern.eduExercise Science Majors: Last Names Ti-Z & N-Nez, Nursing Majors: Ti-Z & N-NezAcademic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Renae-BakerRenae M. BakerCollege of Health Professions912-478-1931rmbaker@georgiasouthern.eduSport Management Majors: K-Pe, Nutrition Majors: All Last Names, Exploratory Majors: All Last NamesAcademic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-kristina-robinsonKristina RobinsonCollege of Health Professions912-478-1931kyrobinson@georgiasouthern.eduHealth Science-Medical Laboratory Science: All Last Names, Health Science-Health Informatics: All Last Names, Health Science-Health Services Administration: All Last NamesAcademic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Veliyana-VelevaVeliyana VelevaCollege of Businessvvekeva@georgiasouthern.eduRv-StevAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Nakya-CantyNakya CantyCollege of Businessncanty@georgiasouthern.eduStew-WallAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Brittany-NicholsBrittany NicholsCollege of Businessbldavis@georgiasouthern.eduLv-MoodAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Denise-DanielsDenise DanielsCollege of Businessddaniels@georgiasouthern.eduJop-LuAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Shecora-LovettShecora LovettCollege of Businesssclovett@georgiasouthern.eduHenf-JonesAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Sophia-TarverSophia TarverCollege of Businessstarver@georgiasouthern.eduGaj-HendAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Mary-DunnMary DunnCollege of Businessmcdunn@georgiasouthern.eduDk-GaiAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-KaRonda-Harris-BrutonKaRonda Harris BrutonCollege of Businesskharrisbruton@georgiasouthern.eduChb-DjaAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Jahmal RaineyJahmal RaineyCollege of Businessjrainey@georgiasouthern.eduBonf-Cha, Post Bacc, ROTCAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Marina-ShadeMarina ShadeCollege of Businessmshade@georgiasouthern.eduA-BoneAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-loren-owensLoren OwensCollege of Science and Mathematicslsowens@georgiasouthern.eduBiology (Last names Rf-Z), Math (Last names M-Z), PhysicsAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-beth-harrellBeth HarrellCollege of Science and Mathematicseharrell@georgiasouthern.eduBiology (Last names A-F), Exploratory STEMAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-emily-cowart-brownEmily Cowart-BrownCollege of Science and Mathematicsecowartbrown@georgiasouthern.eduBiology (Last names M-N)Academic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-alvinette-ricky-brooksAlvinette “Ricky” BrooksCollege of Science and Mathematicsajbrooks@georgiasouthern.eduBiology (Last names G-L), Mathematical Sciences (Last names A-L), Geography & Geosciences, Sustainability ScienceAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-danielle-blaxtonDanielle BlaxtonCollege of Science and Mathematicsdblaxton@georgiasouthern.eduBiology (Last names O-Re), Biochemistry, ChemistryAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-jaclyn-caseJaclyn CaseCollege of Engineering and Computing912-478-2530jaclyncase@georgiasouthern.eduComputer Science N-Z, IT Q-Z, Software EngineeringAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-trina-hendijaniTrina HendijaniCollege of Engineering and Computing912-478-2505khendijani@georgiasouthern.eduComputer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering K-Mc, Manufacturing EngineeringAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-kathy-shepherdKathy ShepherdCollege of Engineering and Computing912-478-8039kshepherd@georgiasouthern.eduExploratory Engineering & Computing, Surveying-Geomatics PathwayCoordinator & Academic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Nicole-ProtzmanNicole ProtzmanCollege of Engineering and Computing912-478-0511ncmarshall@georgiasouthern.eduComputer Science, A-MAcademic Advisor III
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-kayla-johnsonKayla JohnsonCollege of Engineering and Computing912-478-0453kjohnson@georgiasouthern.eduCivil EngineeringAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-brandon-longBrandon LongCollege of Engineering and Computing912-478-2503blong@georgiasouthern.eduElectrical Engineering, Construction Management A-I and W-ZAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-laura-gareyLaura GareyCollege of Engineering and Computing912-478-0177lgarey@georgiasouthern.eduElectrical EngineeringAcademic Advisor II
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-melissa-jacksonMelissa JacksonCollege of Engineering and Computing912-478-2828mhjackson@georgiasouthern.eduMechanical Engineering Me-ZAcademic Advisor II
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-marcelene-venegasMarcelene VenegasCollege of Engineering and Computing912-478-2275mdelcampo@georgiasouthern.eduConstruction Management J-VAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-daniel-courseyDaniel CourseyCollege of Engineering and Computing912-478-6065dcoursey@georgiasouthern.eduInformation Technology Online Campus, Construction Engineering A-RAcademic Advisor I
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-kimberly-couchKimberly CouchCollege of Engineering and Computing912-478-8038kgriswold@georgiasouthern.eduREPP (Regents Engineering Pathways Program), Information Technology A-P, Construction Engineering S-ZAcademic Advisor III
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-franklin-collinsFranklin CollinsCollege of Engineering and Computing912-478-5112fcollins@georgiasouthern.eduMechanical Engineering A-JAcademic Advisor III
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Channing-BeaumanChanning BeaumanCollege of Behavioral and Social Sciences912-478-6901pbeauman@georgiasouthern.eduCriminal Justice and Psychology (Ni-S)Academic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-carson-beaumanCarson BeaumanCollege of Behavioral and Social Sciences912-478-6901cstepanek@georgiasouthern.eduInternational Studies, Human Ecology (M-Z), Human Development and Family Science, Interior Design, Fashion Merchandising and Apparel Design, RecreationAcademic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-clare-ursilloClare UrsilloCollege of Behavioral and Social Sciences912-478-6901cursillo@georgiasouthern.eduHuman Ecology (A-L), Human Development and Family Science, Interior Design, Fashion, Merchandising and Apparel Design RecreationAcademic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-miguel-alvaradoMiguel AlvaradoCollege of Behavioral and Social Sciences912-478-6901malvarado@georgiasouthern.eduAnthropology, Political Science, Sociology, and Exploratory Behavioral and Social SciencesAcademic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Eileen-SwanEileen SwanCollege of Behavioral and Social Sciences912-478-6901eswan@georgiasouthern.eduCriminal Justice and Psychology (Co- Gn), Criminal Justice and Psychology (Wo-Z)Academic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Aidan-OwensAidan OwensCollege of Behavioral and Social Sciences912-478-6901aowens@georgiasouthern.eduCriminal Justice and Psychology (Go- Kh), Criminal Justice and Psychology (T)Academic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-kerrin-allenKerrin AllenCollege of Behavioral and Social Sciences912-478-6901keallen@georgiasouthern.eduCriminal Justice and Psychology (Ki- Nh), Criminal Justice and Psychology (We-Wi)Academic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-ashleigh-brownAshleigh BrownCollege of Behavioral and Social Sciences912-478-6901abrown@georgiasouthern.eduCriminal Justice and Psychology (A-Cn), Criminal Justice and Psychology (U-Wa)Academic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-pamela-basultoPamela BasultoCollege of Arts and Humanities912-478-7740pbasulto@georgiasouthern.eduWorld Languages and Cultures (Fully Online and Statesboro Campus), Multimedia & Film Production (Last Names M-Z), Public Relations (Last Names M-Z)Academic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-inger-woodInger WoodCollege of Arts and Humanities912-478-7740iwood@georgiasouthern.eduArt & Graphic Design (Last Names A-L), and Interdisciplinary Studies (Statesboro campus and Athletes)Academic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-bradley-reidBradley ReidCollege of Arts and Humanities912-478-7740bareid@georgiasouthern.eduMusic, Communication Studies, Online Interdisciplinary Studies (Last Names T-Z) and New Online Interdisciplinary StudiesAcademic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Laurie-HartlettLaurie HartlettCollege of Arts and Humanities912-478-7740lhartlett@georgiasouthern.eduMultimedia Film & Production (A-L), Multimedia Journalism, Public Relations (A-L)Academic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-Clayton-GrantClayton GrantCollege of Arts and Humanities912-478-7740claytongrant@georgiasouthern.eduArt & Graphic Design (Last names M-Z) and TheatreAcademic Advisor
headshot-georgia-southern-advising-megan-bowenMegan BowenCollege of Arts and Humanities912-478-7740mbowen@georgiasouthern.eduEnglish (Fully Online and Statesboro), History, and Philosophy (Law and Religious Studies) Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies, WritingAcademic Advisor

Personalized Support for Your Academic Success

Our advisors are committed to helping you achieve your educational goals. Take advantage of their expertise to stay on track and make informed decisions about your academic career.

Let us guide you every step of the way—start your journey by finding your advisor today!

Regents’ Engineering Pathways Program

The Regents’ Engineering Pathway Program (REP Program) – formerly the Regents’ Engineering Transfer Program – allows students at colleges and universities in the University System of Georgia to study for two years at their home institution, then transfer to Georgia Southern, Georgia Tech, Kennesaw State, Mercer University or the University of Georgia to complete their engineering degrees.

The purpose of the REP Program at Georgia Southern University is to:
1. Increase the accessibility to an engineering education in the State of Georgia.
2. Develop study habits and engineering problem-solving capability for students to be successful in their junior and senior engineering courses as well as in their professional careers.
3. Provide the coursework required during the first two years of the curricula for the engineering degree programs offered by Georgia’s engineering schools.

Armstrong Campus Contact

Naundie Eason

Phone: (912) 344-3119

Liberty Campus Contact

Kim Couch

Phone: (912) 344-2570

Statesboro Campus Academic Advisor

Mrs. Kimberly Couch

Phone: (912) 478-8038

REPP Transfer Packet

Please complete the REPP Transfer Packet for Georgia Tech if you are on the Statesboro campus and submit it to Kimberly Couch by the deadline.

Student Organizations

If you are interested in getting more involved on campus, the College of Engineering and Computing has a variety of student organizations you can join. Please explore this page fore more information about each of the organizations your college offers. If you would like more information about a specific organization please contact the Organization through  Eagle Engage.

Interested in helping students understand computers better.


Helps improve students’ technical and professional skills and competence by hosting hands on workshops to better improve their professional and ethical commitments.

Provides the tools necessary for success in the academic and professional world.

Enables collaboration, knowledge sharing, career enrichment and skills development across all engineering disciplines, toward a goal of helping the global engineering community develop solutions to benefit lives and livelihoods.

To serve any and all students in gaining experience in the game development industry.

Provides opportunities for Construction Management students to enhance their professional knowledge and networks through guest speakers, forums, and conferences.

The Guild brings in companies to speak with students about construction projects and career opportunities for the students,

Georgia Southern’s racing team that participates in an international competition that involves designing, building, testing, and racing a Formula style race car and off road-Baja vehicles

IEE is the world’s largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of industry.

To increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community.

Offers space for engineering and science students to learn, design, program, and fabricate robots.

The world’s’ leading professional society advancing manufacturing knowledge and influencing more than half a million manufacturing practitioners annually Student chapter activities include industry tours, professional speakers, resume workshops and networking.

Gives women engineers a unique voice.

Aims to advance women in technology-from the classroom to the boardroom. WIT meets its vision through a variety of leadership development, technology education, networking and mentoring opportunities for women at all levels of their careers.